
Donations to the HSA 

The HSA is an association of registered homeopathic practitioners (voluntary association) and as such relies heavily on various fundraising activities in order to achieve positive results, growth and achievements for Homeopathy in South Africa.

As such, should you wish to donate funds for any purpose, we invite you to do so by depositing funds directly into the HSA banking account or to make an electronic / credit card payment using the provided PayFast link below.

We encourage you to complete a donations notification which you can forward through to us by fax, email or post indicating the intended purpose of your donation. The HSA will then ensure that these funds are dedicated for this precise purpose as reflected in the year's budget.

For the Scope of practice fund donations, please find the links below;

Donate R400 per month to the Fund

Donate R2500 to the Fund Once Off

Donate to SOP fund (R500 per month)

Community clinic donations - Khula Eastern Cape

Creating Community clinics across South Africa is a dream the former president of the HSA Dr. Danny Pillay had. That dream is starting to take shape in the form of Khula Clinics. Khula means ‘grow’ and growth is our aim! The aim is to bring affordable complementary healthcare across South Africa to those who need it most… the rural communities.  


In 2019 - 2020, under the leadership of Dr. Danny Pillay, a resolution was taken by the HSA to donate money to the existing Khula Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) and to a NEW Khula Eastern Cape (EC). This would be to assist in the exceptional and continued work that they are doing to bring homeopathy and health care to those most in need in South Africa.


At the time, Khula EC was just a dream. Now, thanks to the hard work and commitment of Dr. Loretta Ferrucci, Khula EC is becoming a reality. Similarly, with the generosity and investment of our HSA members we are closer to that goal. We have raised a good sum of money but we still need more, thus the funding drive is NOW opened up to the public through a Back a Buddy fundraising campaign.


Khula EC was modelled off Khula KZN, a clinic in the village of Khula near St Lucia in KZN. The clinic was started by Dr Manuel Steiner and Dr Nicoliene Potgieter-Steiner. The clinic has seen over 40 000 patients to date and is open daily due to popular demand. To view an impact assessment study on the clinic please click on this link. We are incredibly proud of the achievements of Khula KZN, a shining example of how Homeopathy can assist the South African population and contribute toward health care in our country. 

To all who donate and in so doing support the Khula EC initiative and who have made these initial steps a reality we wish, for your generosity, a lifetime full of the same good you give so easily! We sincerely thank you for your contribution, your vote of confidence and your continued support!


We will see homeopathy offered to all in South Africa, within our lifetime. We are already starting to see the first hints at this goal – and we have you to thank, for helping us start this wonderful process and making Khula EC a reality.

Bursary Fund

In addition to the general functioning of the HSA, we have also established a bursary fund which will provide for the education of successful applicants for the studying of homeopathy in South Africa. This fund is solely created out of the donations from registered practitioners, members of the public and industry. Should you wish to donate funds to the HSA specifically for the purposes of this bursary fund then please indicate as such in the donations document below and indicate "BURSARY FUND" on your reference when making the payment.

We thank you for your desire to donate funds to the HSA and in so doing, contributing positively to the profession of homeopathy in South Africa!

Bursary Fund Application

The HSA Bursary fund is aimed at providing some means of financial assistance to learners of disadvantaged backgrounds or circumstances and to alleviate present difficult financial circumstances while also rewarding academic achievement of these same sets of learners. The HSA Bursary does not provide funding for the full allocation of academic costs in a year but is intended to provide a relative contribution to the study efforts of students.

Before completing this application form, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria.

  • For South african citizens or permanent residents only.

  • Due to high demand for the provision of education funding, this bursary is only applicable to students who have been accepted into or are currently enrolled in homeopathic degree programs at either the Durban University of Technology (DUT) or University of Johannesburg (UJ).

  • HSA members only will be considered.

  • Incomplete application forms will not be considered.

  • No late applications will be considered.

  • Please email all completed forms with supporting documentation to

  • Closing date for application is as indicated on the official HSA website for 2021 the applications close on the 15 July 2021–

  • Bursaries will only be allocated for the year following the one in which the applicant is received or for the current year expressly determined by the HSA Bursary Committee.

Submission of applications in no way confers the suggestion that the application will be successful.