Plagiocephaly - A Chiropractor's Perpsective 08 December 2022 - 19h00

Event Details:

Chair Person:
Event Type: Regional Meetings
CPD Points: 2
Cost to non Member: R500

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Positional plagiocephaly is reaching epidemic proportions in the western world,

seeing increases to the tune of 600% in countries such as Australia following the

back to sleep campaign begun in the early 90's. A link has been noted in the

literature between infant head asymmetry and developmental delay in terms of

cognitive as well as motor development. As such it is important that this condition be

picked up early by any practitioner working in the paediatric space. Manual

therapists and bodyworkers are primed to deal with this condition and it is important

that practitioners referring for this type of work understand what is entailed


To that end this talk will cover

: Types of Plagiocephaly and how to generally assess for its presence

: The role of Chiropractors in the management of Plagiocephaly

: What to expect from manual therapy in terms of timelines and outcomes

: The link between Plagiocephaly and developmental delay.

Plagiocephaly - A Chiropractor's Perpsective (Dr Mike Marinus)