Event Details:
Chair Person: Dr Laura Chella
Event Type: Regional Meetings
CPD Points: 2
Cost to non Member: R500
Venue Details:
Please join us on Zoom by clicking this link:https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qd-irpzgqE9VlhtxjmjtRs-TPWCYnI5Pe
In this presentation, Dr Wulfsohn will discuss the link between our traditional case solving
methods and the newest innovations in Homeopathic case taking and analysis. As
Homeopaths trained in South Africa, we are exposed to a more Hahnemannian and Kentian
case taking method. Dr Wulfsohn trained under Dr Sankaran at the Other Song clinic, and
will be exploring the up-to-date Sankaran methods, equipping South African homeopaths
with the newest information on this form of case taking.